Monday, March 12, 2012

Do people have southern accents in tallahassee fl?

i have a teacher in school from tallahasee (i live in south florida) and she has a moderate southern accent. does everyone have one in tallahassee? i know it is pretty north and close to georgia so they probably have something. also does jacksonville? pensacola?

thankss. :)Do people have southern accents in tallahassee fl?
Yes. The Florida Panhandle is considered part of the Deep South. Even more so then Southern Florida, which has a lot of retirees from the North that moved there. The Panhandle is more like Alabama. Jacksonville is more like Georgia.
I'm from Michigan, but I have lived in Tally for about ten years now. So I have a pretty extensive, but objective experience with it. There is an interesting mix of people here. On one hand, there are two major universities and a handful colleges, and the state capitol is here. So there are a lot of people from up north and down from Miami and such hanging around. They impact the accent a little bit. People who hang in those circles a lot have less of a southern accent. But for the most part, Tallahassee natives (and pretty much anyone from Northern Florida, so Jacksonville and Pensacola are pretty much the same) are basically southern Georgians. Most of them have a southern accent. How "strong" the accent varies greatly. I know a lot of people who sound like freakin' Scarlett O'Hara herself! Yet my wife, who has lived here all her life, sounds like she grew up in the Midwest somewhere. You wouldn't know she was from the south unless you listened very carefully when she says a word like "there." Now this is not a scientific study, but if I were to guess, I'd say the breakdown of native Tallahassee people probably breaks down like this:

Strong Southern Accent: 30%

Moderate Southern Accent: 50%

Weak Southern Accent: 20%

Get out in the rural areas of north Florida, however, and you're going to find about 99% of the people have accents that make people from Atlanta sound like they are from Detroit. LOL!

Hope that helps!Do people have southern accents in tallahassee fl?
For the most part , yes. As they say in Florida, the further north you go, the further south you get.

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